Hairdressing salon cash recycler
Compact and convenient recyclers for hairdressing salons and barber shops
ÔBARBIER chose CASHMAG for their Cash Management
One too common mistake is to think that only sales points running mostly cash need cash management. One example is the hairdressing salon and barber chain : ÔBARBIER.
In a sector where credit card cashing remains dominant, the 6-shop franchise has decided to install a CashMag 1F recycler in each of their shops !
Optimize control on the sales point
One of the most complicated things for service sales points is the control of the actual sales point. Indeed, impossible to control milliliters of shampoo used on a free haircut or excess of used water. Using our devices for cashing, you keep control on the sale by keeping your staff’s hand off the cash.
A better management and cash security
Cash may not be the dominant means of payment in your business, but you remain subjected to the same obligations and rituals such as counting and verifying cash funds. With our cash recyclers, no more systematic counting or verification since everything gets automated. Our devices never mistake and avoid human errors, while counting or cashing.
Our recyclers integrate several levels of security, from key locks to RFID badges, anti-tampering and anti-lifting systems. Your cash is secured inside the devices, safe from theft and shrinkage.