No more failures!
Emulate your modules, don’t miss any sales
With VCR, have peace of mind and be ready to cash in at all times
A worldwide patented concept developed by CASHMAG
The new application « CashMag VCR » (Virtual Cash Recycler) allows to emulate the jammed module, whether it be the coin module or the note module, using a Smartphone or a tablet running on Android or iOS systems. Thanks to this, you can use the resources remaining in the modules without intervention from a technician, to resume your service. At the end of it, the technician will intervene to restart the jammed module. You don’t miss any sale since your system remains operational.

A simple and instant application
Using the VCR is very easy. It was designed to allow local businesses to maintain sales constantly. When a module gets jammed, simply launch the preinstalled application. VCR automatically syncs with said target recycler and detects the jammed module. It then emulates it so you can continue cashing in!
Emulate the note module

Emulate the coin module

An intuitive and fun use
The emulation of the module on VCR is effortless. Imagine you’re making 2.50 € sale but the note module is jammed. The customer gives a 20 € note. With VCR, even with a jammed module, you cash in the note and sign it into VCR. The application automatically calculates the 17.50 € change back. You then have the choice to return 15 € in notes with your usual cash fund and 2,50 € with the coin module, which will still be instant operational. If you cash fund ran out of notes, you can still return the change in coins ! Easy !
Virtual Cash Recycler demo video