Easier and safer management of your cash

with CASHMAG, cashing is easy !

Secure your cash ?

Simplify and secure your cash management

with CASHMAG, cashing is easy !

5R cash recycler

Ground-breaking rear access

The 5R is THE cash recycler which offers rear access. This system saves you precious time.

No need to go around your counter to operate it. Besides being faster, rear access to the cash recycler guarantees better security, all cash operations happen behind your sales area. This way, your cash proceeds are to your eyes only.

Preserve your store’s design and secure it

The 5R is made of two high capacity modules designed to completely fit in. This way, you preserve the aesthetic and style of your store as well as your sales area’s.

Firmly mounted onto your counter, it secures and protects your staff from robberies and break-in attempts.

Makes cash management easier

Your staff no longer need to prepare cash funds or even count. No more stress nor change back mistakes during cashing. No more counterfeit money, your cash recycler detects counterfeit notes and coins. You automate cash management and focus and making your business successful.

Optimize your productivity

The 5R cash recycler offers a great storage capacity with 4000 coins and up to 780 notes. This capacity is supported by a smart change back system algorithm developed by CASHMAG. The algorithm calculates all possibilities for best change back based on the current stock, allowing low-stock coins to accumulate again and high-stock coins to naturally unload. 4 seconds super fast change back speed.

Guarantees hygiene for your customers

By removing direct and repeated contact with coins and notes, you guarantee optimal hygiene to your customers. An obvious asset for any business.

CASHMAG develops performing, versatile and innovative cashing solutions dedicated to local businesses. Based on their deep understanding of retailers’ needs and their solid experience, CASHMAG make cashing systems integration easier in order to make the management of your business faster and safer.

CASHMAG cash recyclers are compatible with most cashing softwares thanks to our universal interface. The software interface is connected between CASHMAG cash recyclers and any standard cashing system run on Windows™. It acts as a universal translator and allows instant connexion without any specific development required.

Rear access to both note and coin modules

  • All manipulations are performed at the rear of the recycler’s modules, with complete discretion.
  • The innovative design of CASHMAG 5R cash recycler offers unmatched speed and execution rate
monnayeur ouverture arrière

From the start, our cash recyclers were designed to manage the largest amount of currencies, this feature monitors and protects your cashing through counterfeit cash detection on both notes and coins.

Technical specifics

Secure Rear Access
6 points tamper-resistant lock
16 fixing points
4 locks
(2 for bank note module / 2 for coin module)
5 locks
(3 for bank note module / 2 for coin module)
Detects fake banknotes and coins and foreign bodies
Fully embedded into the sales line
All POS softwares
Windows: Without development and immediately
Android, Linux, iOS: Thanks to our API to integrate
(H) 375 x (W) 340 x (D) 680 mm – Coin Module
(H) 600 x (W) 260 x (D) 680 mm – Bank Note Module
106 kg123 kg
Bank Note Module
2 recyclable amounts (€5 & €10 or €10 & €20)
2 x 60 banknotes
Banknotes dispensed individually
Cashbox for 400 banknotes
4 recyclable amounts (€5, 10, 20, 50)
2 x 60 banknotes and 2 x 30 banknotes
Dispenses 15 banknotes at a time
Cashbox for 600 banknotes
Coin Module
Storage and recycler capacity for 4000 coins
Up to 50 coins accepted or dispensed per transaction
Insert 10 coins per second, 6 coins per second dispensed
French design and manufacture
Counter – (H) 1023 x (W) 650 x (D) 743 mm
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